

Individual Psychotherapy is a one on one session with a Licensed Mental Health Practitioner. These sessions are via Telehealth in secure platform. Psychotherapy sessions is an evidence-based form of treatment that focuses on improving an individuals mental health symptoms and overall wellbeing.  These session is a collaborative process between a trained professional and client. Modalities that may be part of your treatment are the following, but not limited to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), skill building, collaboration, DBT, mindful activities, Solution focused therapy, and more.

Family Psychotherapy 

Family psychotherapy is for all of the members of the family unit who are affected by life changes and/or stressors in life. This may be a recent loss, addiction, illness, or just seeking to learn good communication habits. These sessions are held Telehealth with a Licensed mental health provider.  We are here to help you have meaningful relationships. 

Caregiver Psychotherapy


Life Coaching


Conditions Treated

    Anxiety & Panic Disorders 

    PTSD is a psychological condition associated with exposure to trauma. Symptoms may include, but not limited to; 

    • Excessive worry
    • Intrusive thoughts
    • Fatigue
    • Nervousness
    • Tense
    • concentration difficulties
    • Sudden, uncalled for panic attacks
    • Sleep issues
    • Irrational fears
    • Nausea and/or shortness of breath 

    Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

      PTSD is a psychological condition associated with exposure to trauma. Symptoms may include, but not limited to;  

    • intrusive memories
    • avoidance of reminders
    • heightened arousal and reactivity
    • negative views of oneself and the world
    • persistent anger
    • recurrent and unwanted distressing memories of the traumatic event as if it were happening again (flashback)
    • upsetting dreams or nightmares about the traumatic event
    • severe emotional distress or physical reaction to something that reminds you of traumatic event

    Depression & Mood Disorders

      Depressive Symptoms are a set of emotional, cognitive, and physical manifestations that are often associated with depression, a common mental health disorder. Symptoms may vary in severity, frequency, and duration. It’s important to note that experiencing some of these symptoms from time to time does not necessarily indicate clinical depression, but when these symptoms persist and interfere with daily functioning, it may be a sign of depression. Symptoms may include, but not limited to  

    • Feeling sad, depressed or down 
    • loss of interest in doing things
    • changes in appetite
    • trouble with sleep
    • low energy
    • feeling worthless
    • thoughts of death or suicide

    Adjustment Disorders 

    • An emotional or behavioral reaction to a stressful event or change on a personal life. 

    Psychogenic nonepileptic seizures (PNES)

    • Involves attacks that resemble epilepsy-related seizures that are due to underlying psychological distress, not abnormal electrical activity in your brain.

    Geriatric Psychiatry Disorder 
    Insomnia & Sleep Disorders 

   Types of Services

    • Individual Psychotherapy Services
      • Therapy (Counseling) is the process where patients work with a licensed clinician to explore challenging emotions/feelings. People seek therapy for a variety of reasons, from coping with major life challenges or childhood trauma, to dealing with mental health disorders, to improving personal growth. 
      • Therapy process: You will have to go through an initial assessment also known as a diagnostics evaluation or intake assessment, then you and your clinician will establish treatment goals. Follow-up appointments will vary in frequency and duration depending on the treatment goals and targeted issues. You may have homework in between sessions and/or may practice coping techniques. In between sessions, treatment strategies may be adjusted as needed to your treatment plan to meet your treatment goals. 
    • Caregiver Family Services 
      • Caregiver counseling is a form of professional support designed to help individuals who are responsible for the physical, emotional, and sometimes financial well-being of a family member or loved one who is unable to care for themselves. Who can benefit from caregiver counseling? Any caregivers who provide care to a loved one who needs guidance and support. 
    • Life Coaching 
      • We can help you with personal development, professional development and/or life journey. This may include professional challenges, lifestyle changes, and/or need help with guidance to make important decisions in life. Do you need accountability and encouragement? Call us 
    • Modalities/Techniques: 
      • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
      • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
      • Cognitive Exercises
      • Meditation 
      • Attachment-Based Therapy 
      • Emotional Therapy 
      • Mindfulness 
      • Trauma-Focused Therapy 
      • Motivational Interviewing 
      • Accepting Therapy 
  • Specialties: 
    • Individuals with neurological conditions 
    • Individuals with chronic disease & illnesses
    • Individuals and/or caregivers that are struggling with serious medical condition/health concerns 
    • Relationship issues 
    • Self-Esteem issues 
    • Individuals with cancer diagnosis 
    • Psychogenic nonepileptic seizures (PNES) 
    • Complex Trauma 
    • Grief and Bereavement 
    • Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) 
    • Brain injury caregivers
    • Chronic Pain 
    • Stress & Psychosocial Factors 

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